Sunday, September 18, 2011

What are the advantages and disadvantages of driving a JEEP?

In your opinion, what would you consider as being the advantages and disadvantages of driving a JEEP automobile?|||MR K-

I owned a Wrangler for a number of years and really liked it, but it got about 18 miles a gallon, didn't have a great heater and was a pain with road noise. It was impossible to have a conversation with anyone while driving; however, getting off-road was magical.

I drove it all over upper Michigan and once drove from Harbor Springs to Mackinaw only touching asphalt a half dozen times.

When you have the top down, the doors off and the sun is out. It is fantastic.

No trunk is a bummer, but I never had anything stolen from mine ... and I didn't have locks.

Gas mileage is simply terrible.

This is what happens with Wranglers ... young guys who are accountants and lawyers and ad guys buy them because, "they always wanted a jeep" they drive them for a year or two and figure out they suck gas, are noisy, ride rough and they can't store their laptops ... so they dump them with 20 or 30 K on the odometer. As a result you can get a nice used Wrangler for 5 grand less than a new one.

If I was to get another jeep I'd make sure it was as basic a ride as possible and keep it only as a second vehicle.|||The advantage is that if you are in a parking lot, and come across a choice space marked "JEEPS ONLY", you can park there.

The disadvantage is that you're driving a Jeep. Chrysler pretty much turned a classic American machine into a Mitsubishi car. Sorta sad.|||Gas guzzlers

It's a Jeep Thing and you wouldn't understand

You can take the doors off|||-The disadvantage is the Miles per Gallon

-The advantages are many: cool looking, it can teach you the basic mechanics, you can do a lot of modifications by yourself, you can fix and fine-tune a lot of things, it's a powerfully 4wd SUV, you'll have a lot of pleasure off-roading, there r a lot of cool jeepers all around the world you can exchange information about ur jeep with them,...|||pro's:

1. very good looking ride

2. top comes off/doors too

3. 4 wheel drive

4. the "jeep wave"

5. how easy/fun it is to modify

6. price

7. greatest vehicle all around, ever built


1. safety isnt too great in an accident

2. gas mileage

3. road noise (doesnt bother me but does to others)

4. VERY easy for someone to break into

5. no where to hide any valuable belongings


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